200 g
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Ein frischer und fruchtiger Duft mit Akzenten von Rhabarber und Beeren – als ob Sie durch üppige grüne Landschaften streifen würden.
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4 Reviews
by Jonathan Ferrari
by David Duarte
Penhaligon’s Fragrance Team Member, Westfield - White City
This fruity and comforting candle is my go to candle when I want a moment of relaxation and cosiness. It looks divine and it blends perfectly with my decoration. (The wooden box can also be reused!) Well done Penhaligon’s for making this collection 100% vegan and plastic free.
by Jorden Champion
Penhaligon’s Fragrance Team Member - Liverpool Store
Roanoke Ivy combines all my favourite things in one beautiful blue jar. The fragrance is lush and verdant but still rich enough to feel cosy now the evenings are getting a little bit chillier. I’m instantly transported to being a child and wandering through the green countryside with my grandad, pressing leaves and berries between my fingertips. I’d recommend this candle in the entrance hall when hosting guests, a perfect welcoming scent to merging indoors with outdoors.
by Adam Willans
Penhaligons liverpool store
ROANOKE IVY - for those who are looking for a long lasting, high scented and quality burn (low smoke) candle then i could not recommend the trade routes penhaligons candle collection more! This particular candle burns beautifully in my living room I love the scent That fills my living room, hall, landing and stairs, even the whole house through I would recommend this candle be used during late summer through to December as it has such a cool crisp scent that goes beautifully with Autumn and winter seasons however i am sure this could be used all year round and still make perfect sense for burning I personally adore the berry top notes with a nice green ivy and pear notes in the heart with a nice woody note in the base which i find are perfectly beautiful together TOP TIP - Always remember to trim and re centre the wick for a cleaner and longer lasting candle (trust me this really works)
Reinigt Hände und Körper mit Halfetis Zaubertrank aus Rose, Frucht und Gewürz.
48 GBP 500 ml
Eau de Parfum
HALFETIDas ist also Liebe. Ein geheimnisvolles Parfüm mit Rose, Grapefruit und Gewürzen.
215 GBP 100 ml
Eau de Parfum
HALFETIDie Romanze von Halfeti in Miniaturform. Eine warme Umarmung aus Rosen, Früchten und Gewürzen.
110 GBP 30 ml
Eine limitierte Duftkerze mit Noten von Rose, getrockneten Früchten und Gewürzen.
75 GBP 200 g
Eau de Parfum
THE BLAZING MISTER SAMWarme und kalte Gewürze tanzen auf trockenem Patchouli und cremiger Zeder. Sams Duft erregt Aufmerksamkeit.
235 GBP 75 ml
Eau de Parfum
THE TRAGEDY OF LORD GEORGEIntensiv, edel, irreführend. Genau wie unser Patriarch hat dieser holzige Duft Geheimnisse.
235 GBP 75 ml
Eau de Parfum
THE COVETED DUCHESS ROSEEine süßlich duftende Rose, bereit, gepflückt zu werden. Gar nicht so unschuldig.
235 GBP 75 ml
Eau de Toilette
LUNADas Bad der Mondgöttin trägt den Duft von Orange, Jasmin und Tanne. Geben Sie sich ihr hin.
175 GBP 100 ml
Die perfekte Einführung in Penhaligon‘s Parfums für anspruchsvolle Gentlemen.
50 GBP 5 X 5ml
Eau de Parfum
LIQUID LOVEEin Destillat der Lust, das die Herzen höher schlagen lässt. Sie Glückspilz!
195 GBP 100 ml
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Amazing scent that fills the room ... and beyond.
Lush berries and green ivy. Very uplifting scent. This candle is so wonderfully strong. Really transforms a space.