Quentin Bisch is abuzz with many a thought on his latest creation, Vra Vra Vroom. Read on to discover where he found inspiration for Penhaligon's vitality potion.​

What was the journey like in creating Vra Vra Vroom?

I wanted to put a twist on the obvious connotations of ‘yellow’ and ‘energy’, which would be citrus. Although the grapefruit and lemon convey this fizzy energy, my idea was to capture the concept of energy in different states – from very smooth and calm to something more intriguing, then to completely energetic. Next, I played magnolia and osmanthus: they fascinatingly smell like apricot together yet they also have some leathery facets. This helped me to create contrast and tension within the fragrance to further convey this feeling of energy and vibration.​


Were there any notes in this perfume that were difficult to work with?

Definitely osmanthus and magnolia. I love magnolia, and together with the osmanthus it’s super juicy and yet contrasted by this sort of darkness, like dry apricot. When some people smell magnolia, they think it’s too dark, but I think there is something very mysterious about it. These ingredients are not easy to tame, but the challenge is fun.

Did you focus on a type of person when creating Vra Vra Vroom?

The focus was definitely not on a type of person - it was on the feeling that Vra Vra Vroom should give you when wearing it. Anyone should be able to discover the energy and invigorating feeling that this fragrance can provide. It is not feminine, nor masculine – it’s just a work of art based on the theme of vitality that can speak to anybody.


What inspired you to become a perfumer?

When I was ten years old, I discovered perfume through my French teacher whose perfume gave her so much charisma and such an amazing aura; it was mesmerising and completely bewitched me. It was at that point I discovered the power of perfume, and I understood I wanted to be able to create them myself. ​

What was your journey in becoming a perfumer?

You need to study Chemistry to become a perfumer, but I was very bad at science so I took an unusual route to get there. I turned to Theatre Studies for five years instead, and got into perfumery by writing letters to perfumers I admired at the time asking for advice. They replied, ‘You have something special’, ‘Don’t give up’, and through reaching out I was able to get into Givaudan, the perfumery school. I need to thank Ricky Givaudan who gave me this chance. I was very lucky they hired me and were accepting of a more unusual profile.

What’s your style and what are the ingredients you usually like to work with?

That’s a super difficult question for me to answer. I always find it funny because some people from my company can recognise my fragrances right away. I don’t know how they know! I don’t always use the same materials, so maybe it’s just the way I play with them but I can’t define my ‘style’. ​

What I want to do is to be able to create fragrances that are transparent, technically created and light whilst still being very powerful and long-lasting. I want to create the feeling that after application, the perfume is consistently pulsating. 

Are there any ingredients you can’t get enough of?

I think I’m obsessed with osmanthus. It’s quite a naïve, delicate, angelic flower, yet it’s puzzling as the smell can have a darkness to it. Sometimes, I like to ‘unleash the beast’ that the ingredient is! However, in Vra Vra Vroom I just focused on the lighter, juicy side of it. But it’s such a versatile, paradoxical flower. 

If you could have explored creating one of the other Potions, which would it be?

I’m quite inspired by Eau the Audacity – I love the green colour, and it reminds me of wormwood which I would have to play around with.​


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