Penhaligon’s sits down with artist Dominic Myatt to discuss his sketches depicting a night at the speakeasy in celebration of our newest fragrance, The Dandy.

Dominic Myatt, Artist

Penhaligon’s may be purveyors of fine perfumes, but we’re also proud patrons of British Craftsmanship. Our latest series, You Crafty Thing, shines a spotlight on bold, eccentric, or heritage crafts and the creatives behind them. So, as we begin to dance the night away with our latest fragrance, The Dandy, we invited artist Dominic Myatt to create some dazzling sketches depicting a night at the speakeasy, one full of glitter, smoke and mischief.


The Artist

Dominic Myatt is an artist living in East London, having graduated from Goldsmiths, University of London in 2014 and The Royal Drawing School in 2019. His work – a fascinatingly eclectic body composed in a mix of mediums – explores the human form as well as the space between reality and fantasy. Myatt’s art has graced The Tate Collection, the Royal Collection, and the Soho House collection. One can even spot his work in the foyer of the Kit Kat Club, currently home to the acclaimed musical, Cabaret.

A Night At The Dandy

Penhaligon’s invited Myatt to create a series of sketches that would take place in the fictional world of The Dandy (after all, we are known for our fabulous olfactive storytelling), inspired by the new fragrance of the same name. A woody scent with notes of whisky, raspberry, and cedarwood, the scent invokes memories of endless nights dancing in a haze of smoke and glitter. So, Myatt created a series of 12 illustrations that depicted the thrilling escapades of The Dandy. Dancers, musicians, chandeliers, feather boas... the list goes on, just as the night at The Dandy never ends...

Meeting with Myatt

Penhaligon’s was lucky enough to spend some time with Dominic in his studio in East London, where he discussed his passion for art and the inspiration behind the illustrations. It’s a rather riveting watch, if we do say so ourselves.

Now, we’d say it’s time to explore a world of mischief and glitter, whisky and raspberry, dancing and jazz... wouldn’t you? One spritz of The Dandy should be enough (but you can always make it a double). 


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