Peer beyond the glitter and smoke of Penhaligon’s latest fragrance, The Dandy, and discover the depths of this woody amber fragrance.

The Dandy

It’s no secret that Penhaligon’s adores a cocktail – but did you know we’re partial to a party, too? That’s where the inspiration for our latest fragrance, The Dandy, comes from. The scent – a woody amber with notes of fruit and whisky – is a celebration of endless nights on the dancefloor. Hark back to the age, if you will, of secret bars and speakeasies; of boots tap-tapping to the sound of Jazz and bourbon beats. ​

Now, dear reader, you have been invited to The Dandy: so pour oneself a cup of tea (or something stronger on the rocks) and discover the fragrant notes of the eau de parfum itself. One sniff, and you may never want to leave.


Head Notes: Bergamot & Raspberry

Partiamo dall’alto. First, a bright burst of bergamot takes centre stage, refreshing from the first sniff (or sip). Whilst bergamot has been used in perfumery for centuries, there’s something terribly modern about this citrus note: it can be sweet and liquorous, especially when paired with the deeper, richer notes found in The Dandy. Bergamot oil is extracted from the peel of the bergamot orange, which originated from the sun-kissed orchards of Southern Italy. It’s all rather picturesque to imagine, and creates an invigorating start to a night at The Dandy.​ ​

Now, one must dress the part – and what better outfit to a party than a raspberry robe? Fresh, juicy, and irresistibly fruity, raspberry accord infuses The Dandy with a sparkling, gourmandesque facet. Often synonymous with desserts and summertime treats, raspberries can also add a ripe sensuality to perfumery, balancing sweetness with a touch of sophistication. All good and well, then, that we bottled it up in The Dandy!

Head Note: Whisky Accord

Quite literally at the heart of The Dandy is whisky accord; a nudge-nudge-wink-wink to the world of gentlemen’s clubs and smoky lounges; wood-panelled walls and lacquered floors. Whisky made its way into perfumery in the 19th century, when Scottish distilleries began exporting their fine creations around the world. Perfumers suceeded in capturing the essence of this beloved libation, blending notes of oak barrels, caramelised sugar, and a hint of smokiness to create a sophisticated, liquorous scent. It leaves a warm, lasting impression which you can surely raise a glass to.

Base Note: Legno di cedro

Rich. Woody. Timeless. Captivating cedarwood spills out of The Dandy like a deep base note on the sax. With a warm, enveloping aroma, cedarwood has been prized in perfumery for centuries with origins in ancient Egypt. Native to the forests of the Himalayas and the Mediterranean, cedarwood has not only been used in perfumery, but is rather prominent in medicine and woodworking, too. Cedarwood essence is often extracted through the steam distillation of wood chips, which creates an earthy, slightly leathery scent. As the night goes on in The Dandy, notes of cedarwood add a woody finish to the whisky-based scent, reminiscent of whisky stored in an oak barrel. Now, care to dance?


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