Highgrove Bouquet: A Sustainability Story

His Majesty The King has been a passionate advocate for sustainability for decades. And from sustainable packaging to responsibly sourced ingredients, Highgrove Bouquet is a green-fingered fragrance in more ways than one. ​ 

Penhaligon's Highgrove

Championing sustainability for over 50 years, King Charles III is absolute in his vision for a green future and ethical practices. The magnificent Highgrove Gardens, part of his private country residence, is the living embodiment of his vision and values – shared by Penhaligon’s, and bottled up in Highgrove Bouquet. 

Inspired by the weeping silver lime trees that reside at the Highgrove Estate, the new fragrance has been created with responsibly sourced ingredients and thoughtfully packaged with sustainable materials.            


Green and Clean 

Ensuring all efforts are being made to positively impact people and the planet, Highgrove Bouquet uses responsibly sourced ingredients in the creation of this fragrant concoction. ​ ​ 

Penhaligon’s lavender supplier is leading the initiative in order to implement sustainable cultivation of lavender and reduce the carbon footprint over its entire lifecycle.   ​ ​ 

Sourced in Egypt, jasmine absolute brings a white floral note with fruity undertones that complement the bright scent. Its cultivation is supported by a medical support program that provides access to treatment for workers and family members from the remote countryside. ​ 

Thoughtful Packaging

In line with The King’s vision, this project has been developed in a way that is mindful of the need​ 

to respect the planet, replacing plastic with 100% recycled and recyclable paper and sugar cane eco-foam,​ 

and printing using all organic ink, free of mineral oils.​

the Prince's Foundation

We’re happy to say that 10% of all sales of Highgrove Bouquet will go towards the wonderful work by The Prince’s Foundation, His Royal Highness’s acclaimed charitable organisation. The Prince’s Foundation offers education and training programmes across a broad range of disciplines, from artisanal and heritage craft skills to horticulture and engineering. These are available for all ages and backgrounds, with many programmes taking place at Highgrove itself. ​   ​ 

Learn more about The Prince’s Foundation [here].   ​ 


Follow your Nose to a Brighter Future

Simply, stroll on down to a select store near you and allow us to make your fragrance good as new with Penhaligon’s fine refills service.


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